Sunday, November 1, 2009

To Infinity and Beyond! There's a Snake in my Boot!

Of course Cole HAD to be Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story for Halloween. There was no question. So, we may as well dress Grant as Sheriff Woody! We had fun taking the boys to UMD to trick-or-treat in the dorms. We met up with our friends Josh and Amanda and their kids, Firefighter Max and Lila the Duck. They had Disney games, cookie decorating, and lots of trick-or-treating for the kids, and we got to stay inside! Afterward we trick-or-treated at Grandma and Grandpa Sharrow's house and their neighbor's house. Lots of candy was eaten. What a fun Halloween!

1 comment:

lrickard said...

Grant's costume is the cutest little thing, did you buy it or have it made?