Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Boys

Cole practicing his big brother skills on a doll we borrowed from Miss Nora

Grant loves his swing!

Daddy and Baby Grant enjoying a nap on Sunday afternoon

Today the boys and I took a field trip to my school to visit the Cooper 5th graders and staff. Cole had fun after he warmed up to everyone, but initially, walking into a classroom full of 25 "big kids" who all knew his name was a little overwhelming. By the end of our visit, he was giving high-fives and knucks to all of the kids. Needless to say, the boys were a huge hit with the 5th graders. It was, by the way, my first attempt to take both boys on an outing all by myself. Mission: accomplished. I even packed a lunch for Cole to eat at school! Cole got to eat his lunch in the teachers' lounge, something most kids only dream about. What a mysterious place.

Also, here is a link to Grant's birth announcement in the Duluth News Tribune:

Grant Benjamin Sharrow new arrival

I WAS BORN: April 9, 2009, in St. Mary's Medical Center.

I WAS BORN: April 9, 2009, in St. Mary's Medical Center.

MY PARENTS ARE: Emily and Ryan Sharrow of Duluth.


MY GRANDPARENTS ARE: Greg and Rita Iverson of Forest Lake, Minn., and Jim and Kathy Sharrow of Duluth.

MY GREAT-GRANDPARENTS ARE: Hugh and Essie King of Lawndale, N.C., and Chet and Marge Truedson of Duluth.

MY PARENTS CHOSE THIS NAME BECAUSE: It is simple and strong.

PARENTS’ WISH OR ADVICE: Always know how much you're loved. We are so excited to finally have you join our family!

SOMETHING SPECIAL: We seemed to wait forever for you to come into this world! You were a few days past your due date and we were getting anxious but, when the time came, you were not messing around. You wanted out fast and you arrived at 4:21 a.m.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grant is already looking so much older! Just had to check and see what you guys have been up to...we have to get together soon.
