Monday, February 26, 2007

The world in the palm of my hand...

It's amazing how someone so small can affect your life in such an overwhelming way. He doesn't even really do anything yet that justifies this much attention (let alone this many pictures), and yet we spend most days just staring at and holding him. I should point out that he doesn't exactly do nothing... he has been able to hold his head up for almost 5 whole seconds so far! I went back to work for the first time in two weeks today (Ryan writing), and it was hard to leave this morning. Additionally, it snowed 12 inches yesterday so it actually was hard to leave this morning. Enough writing - I'm going to go back to staring at our son...


eskubic said...

Well Hello Bloggers!
Cole is adorable and I am so happy for the three of you. Babies really are such a can stare at them for hours and hours and it never gets old. You may get a stiff neck, but it never gets old. I can't wait to meet baby Cole! And neither can Celia..she think he's pretty dreamy!

bschomberg said...

Look, his eyes are open! Thanks for starting the trend Erin, it's nice to keep tabs on all you new moms!

Sharrow said...

Congratulations you two--he's adorable!!