Well, we've been getting harassed for not updating our blog frequently enough, so I would like to provide some excuses for our negligence in this area. In the past few weeks, we have had two extremely busy work schedules, developed three cases of strep throat and a case of pneumonia, made four trips to the doctor, picked up four prescriptions, planned a baby shower, plowed about 20 inches of snow, organized and executed a major fundraising event, purchased and wrapped Christmas gifts for 63 people in local shelters, taken two sick days to stay home with a sick kid, attended two work Christmas parties, and still have somehow managed to purchase and wrap almost all of the Christmas gifts for our own family members...and a partridge in a pear tree!
As you can see from these pics, Cole had his first professional haircut just before Thanksgiving (finally no more unskilled haircuts by mom). The salon where I just started going is owned by our PTA president and she has this sweet race car toddler chair where Cole could sit while he got his hair cut. She also gave him a squirt gun so he could squirt himself in the mirror, but he preferred to squirt Mommy instead. She did a great job working fast and keeping Cole busy!
We are now preparing for Christmas...Have a wonderful holiday!!!
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