Cole's first jack-o-lantern. Ryan copied a face from a jack-o-lantern decoration. Cute, huh? Cole is obsessed with his "gunkin."
Giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters with Grandma
Cole has gotten our money's worth out of this year's costume. He has been a monkey ("gonkey") four different costume events this October!First he wore it to Evan's 3rd birthday party, which was a dress-up event. Then he wore it to Boo at the Zoo. Then we went to the Costume Ball at my school, and then of course, on Halloween.
We took Cole trick-or-treating for the first time this year. We decided to go to Grandpa and Grandma Sharrow's neighborhood. We have learned after two Halloweens in this house that it is not a trick-or-treating hot spot. We went to four houses in Grandpa and Grandma's neighborhood. Although it was nice out, Cole got tired of walking and we got tired of carrying him. Plus, we really didn't see a huge need for tons of candy. Cole ended up having more fun handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters that came to the house anyway.
oh cole's so stinkin cute! I am so excited to come back to Duluth and see you guys!
Steph F. (because there are a few of us)
Hi Mrs.Sharrow! It's Maggie! Cole is so cute!
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