These are some gorgeous pics that Nora had taken by one of the kids' moms. Okay, so Cole's shirt is buttoned wrong, but Nora had a lot of kids to prepare for pictures that day!
We just got back from a wonderful Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa Iverson's house...complete with early shopping on Black Friday!
Other than that, we are busy decorating the house and preparing for the holidays, as well as thinking about names for our baby boy, due to arrive in just four short months!
Cole's first jack-o-lantern. Ryan copied a face from a jack-o-lantern decoration. Cute, huh? Cole is obsessed with his "gunkin."
Giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters with Grandma
Cole has gotten our money's worth out of this year's costume. He has been a monkey ("gonkey") four different costume events this October!
First he wore it to Evan's 3rd birthday party, which was a dress-up event. Then he wore it to Boo at the Zoo. Then we went to the Costume Ball at my school, and then of course, on Halloween.
We took Cole trick-or-treating for the first time this year. We decided to go to Grandpa and Grandma Sharrow's neighborhood. We have learned after two Halloweens in this house that it is not a trick-or-treating hot spot. We went to four houses in Grandpa and Grandma's neighborhood. Although it was nice out, Cole got tired of walking and we got tired of carrying him. Plus, we really didn't see a huge need for tons of candy. Cole ended up having more fun handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters that came to the house anyway.
Swimming with daddy....with earplugs and headband....hopefully the Bartons didn't judge us!
The waterslide
Okay, so these leaves had all fallen by the time I got these pics posted, but better late than never I guess! A couple of weeks ago our friends from college, Todd and Bridget, came up to visit. They have three kids now and invited us to their hotel Thursday night for pizza and swimming. Then on Saturday we all went to Boo at the Zoo. The Haunted Hayride was the best part.
The video of Cole falling asleep is from this Friday. We both had Thursday and Friday off, so we had some family fun. After a hike in the woods, Cole was having trouble staying awake during lunch.
The other video is from Grandma and Grandpa Iverson's house last weekend. They got Cole this "Retro Rocket" for Christmas last year, and he's been a little bit afraid of it...until now. When it blasts off, the seat vibrates and it freaks him out. However, Daddy has introduced a new element to the rocket, and now it's a hit.
Baby Cole made three on February 13, 2007 and we welcomed Baby Grant to our family on April 9, 2009. Ryan works as a physical therapist, and Emily teaches 5th grade. The four of us live in Duluth with our dog Bailey.