Does hauling your family around in a trailer pulled by your riding lawnmower make you trailer trash? What it comes down to is that Ryan likes to play with his toys. He got a new trailer this week (which conveniently can be pulled by the Jeep or by the lawnmower) because it will help him "when we reroof the house in June. We won't have to haul all of the shingles from the front of the house to the backyard." I am pretty sure roofs have been redone without the purchase of a trailer, but whatever. He is doing it with his buddies and their own physical labor, so I guess I can agree to the trailer if it saves us several thousands in labor costs! He thought Cole would enjoy a tour of our property, and gave us a very thorough (and very chilly) spin around the yard.
If you are free the first weekend in June and would like to help with the roofing project, we pay in pizza and beer.
P.S. That's TWO posts in one day, so I guess I'm trying to make up for neglecting it for so long!