Uncle Todd feeding Cole

Cole's first dinghy ride

Hiking the Tombolo trail in the baby backpack
I know, we haven't posted anything for awhile. Well, we've been BUSY! We are (mostly) settled into our new house and are LOVING it! We chose the two hottest days of the year to move, and it was pretty miserable....but worth it. We are thrilled.
This past weekend we took our annual trip to the Apostle Islands on Grandpa and Grandma Sharrow's sailboat. They were out for about 10 days, but we just went for a long weekend. It was Cole's first overnight cruise, and he seemed to enjoy it! He loved hiking in the baby backpack on Daddy's shoulders, and even fell asleep during a 4-mile hike on Stockton Island. Cole also got to meet his Uncle Todd for the first time while he was visiting from Montana.